NEW Rounded edges matting

The new Rounded edges matting comes with 8 different styles of mats with 5 pre-constructed,

Course Summary

The new Rounded edges matting comes with 8 different styles of mats with 5 pre-constructed, fully adjustable, ready to use mats in each. The colors are black, brown, gray, turquoise blue and tan but can be changed to whatever you prefer.

Course Curriculum

Course Pricing

  • NEW Rounded edges matting
  • $150 USD

    NEW Rounded edges matting

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Kimberly Smith

 Kimberly J. Smith began her professional photography career in 2001 in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Through Professional Photographers of America, she has earned her Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman, Master Artist, Certified Professional Photographer and Imaging Excellence. In 2022 Kimberly earned her Fellowship through the American Society of Photographers. She is also a PPA Affiliate Judge. She truly believes in lifelong learning and that every competition and every journey to a new degree has pushed her to become a better, more creative photographer. She is blessed to have a job she truly loves.